Technical Data Form: Bag Palletizing System Company Contact Name First Last Location Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Inquiry Number PhoneEmail FaxEquipment Desired Palletizer Slip Sheet Dispenser Top Sheet Dispenser Glue System Metal Detector Checkweigher Pallet SpecificationsWidth:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Length:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Thickness:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Type No.:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Material:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Bag SpecificationsMaterial:Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Type:Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Width (full):Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Length (full):Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Thickness (full):Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Weight (full):Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Contents:Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Degree of pack:Bag 1Bag 2Bag 3Bag 4Bag 5Rate Bags/HourBag pattern number:Pattern 1Pattern 2Pattern 3Pattern 4Pattern 5Number of layers:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Maximum height including pallet:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Maximum weight:Pallet 1Pallet 2Pallet 3Pallet 4Pallet 5Utilities AvailablePlant Voltage:VHzPhCompressed Air AvailablePSICeiling Height: Door size through which equipment must enter building: Bag Patterns Selection Pallet Type Selection Type No. 1: (4-way) Type No. 2: (2-way) Pallet Type Dimensions:Type 1: AType 1: BType 1: CType 2: AType 2: BType 2: CAttach drawing of your own pallet with dimensions:Max. file size: 256 MB.Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf.Notes:CAPTCHA